Mobile Accessibility: Bridge to the World for Blind, Low-Vision, and Deaf-Blind People CSE logo UW logo
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Accessible Android Applications

  • Braille Buddies

    Teaching Braille to blind and low vision children at a young age increases their chances of earning advanced degrees and finding employment in the future. Our work seeks to provide a novel way of delivering Braille instruction to these children. We built a fun and educational game, called BrailleBuddies, for blind and low-vision users, integrating Braille reading and writing exercises into the backdrop of the game. We developed BrailleBuddies to run on mobile devices, taking advantage of the portability and pervasive use of these devices within our society to make the game readily accessible to all.

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • Color Namer

    We have a program which allows the user to determine the color of an object, by pointing the phone's camera at it and tapping the screen. We try to select one color from the eleven common color names of English. We are trying different algorithms to choose a color which best describes what the camera sees, including a classification tree and a statistical model. These models will be trained using data collected from the phone's own camera. Code Repository

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • ezTasker

    Our main goal here is to assist people with cognitive disabilities through daily activities with visual and audio aid. It also allows caretakers to monitor the user remotely, and users and caretakers to add their own personalized tasks using images, audio, and video.

    Code: Source

  • Input Types Demo

    Demo that shows different types of accessible input screens, including speech input (uses voice recognition to input letters of the alphabet), tap and hold input (non-visual, touch-based navigation through the alphabet to the desired letter), and soft keypads (touch and drag around screen to hear letters, double tap to select).

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • LocalEyes

    This project uses text to speech software and the Android location services to determine the users current location and speak the approximate address. It is currently being expanded to provide other navigational information, such as walking directions, and present information through a non audio interface such as which businesses are ahead and behind the user.
    Code: Source Download: apk file

  • MobileOCR

    Mobile OCR uses a powerful optical character recognition (OCR) engine to provide low vision and blind individuals with a way to read printed text on the go. The user is completely guided through tactile and audio feedback. Text is output using a text to speech engine in conjunction with a screen reader. The screen reader is controlled by simple gestures. Mobile OCR, in addition to being accessible, is completely open source and provides a great framework to build off of.

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • PhoneWand

    Blind-accessible application on the Android phone that allows users to navigate walking routes using orientation and vibration feedback. Link:

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • PortraitFramer

    This application uses face detection on mainstream smartphones to provide alternate and non-visual modes of feedback and interaction while the user takes a picture.

    Code: Source

  • Public Transit

    Improving public transit usability for blind and deaf-blind people, using One Bus Away, tied to Android and a Braille display.


  • QR Barcode Scanner

    Scanning QR codes and reading the text aloud

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • Screen Reader

    Screen reader that reads a sample paragraph of text using gestures.

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • Street Sign Reader

    Reading street signs for people with low vision.

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • Talking Calculator

    Non-visual calculator using the touchscreen and audio feedback.

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • TapBeats

    TapBeats is a music game for Android designed to be accessible to blind and low-vision users. Project Page

    Code: Source
    Download: Download Page

  • VBraille

    We have developed a way to haptically present Braille characters on a mobile phone touch screen with the phone's vibrator, called V-Braille. Studies so far have shown that with minimal training, V-Braille can be used to read individual characters and sentences. There is a potential for using a standard mobile phone with deaf-blind users who rely solely on tactual perception to receive information. We are also currently testing this with our Braille games listed above, with blind and low-vision children in elementary and middle school. Project Page

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • VBReader

    V-B-Reader allows both blind children and their parents to practice reading Braille letters using vibration to represent raised dots. Taking a digital flashcards approach, the letters are presented one at a time in random order, and the player drags his finger around the mobile device's touchscreen to feel which dots are vibrating. By equating the location of the vibrations to the dots of a standard Braille cell, the player tries to figure out which letter is being displayed. Pressing the Enter button on the mobile device speaks the letter name before advancing to the next letter.

    Code: Source
    Download: apk file

  • VBWriter

    V-B-Writer allows both blind children and their parents to practice writing Braille letters by double tapping on the regions where the letter's raised dots should be placed. One at a time, a letter is randomly selected and the name of the letter is spoken by the application. The touchscreen containing only empty dot outlines (meaning no dots are raised) is presented and it is up to the player to double tap in the regions where the dots of the current letter should be raised. Double tapping on an empty location will cause a dot to appear and the device to vibrate when that dot is touched. Double tapping on a location where a dot currently exists will cause the dot to be removed. Pressing the Enter button on the mobile device submits the player's input and the application responds via text-to-speech to confirm whether the input was correct before selecting a new letter to present. Additionally, if the input matches a different letter rather than the one expected, the application will say so.

    Code: Source
    apk file

    Instructions for installing APK Files on your phone

Ongoing Projects

  • Audio Tactile Graphics

    Using a digital pen, we add audio to images to greatly increase the accessibility of tactile images while reducing the cost and production time.

  • Digital Applicance Reader

    A blind person takes a picture of the digital display on a household appliance (e.g. an oven) and receives the information in speech or Braille vibration.

  • Public Transit Usability

    Improving public transit usability for blind and deaf-blind people, using One Bus Away, tied to Android and a Braille display. Professor Alan Borning

University of Washington
Computer Science and Engineering
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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